Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beast Ideas

As I stated I am going to dust off my Beastmen, and try to smack the empire around a bit. One of the build ideas has my Killer Chariot teamed with a unit of Gors Lead by a WarGor Giving them +1 Strength and a unit of Bestigors with a Lvl 4 in it. @ chariots and small unit of Minotaurs round out the army. The other idea is to take the Lord and put him on foot with the Cleaver and a 2+ AS in the unit of Bestigors. With this set up I want to put a LvL 2 in a Razorgor Chariot that can scout. My last idea is to put the Lord in with the Gors and put 2 Gorebulls in a big unit of UnGors(40+2 Gorebulls) with +1 Strength. I would still bring the Bestigors With the LvL 4. The only units that i know i am going to use is 40 Gors and 40 Bestigors.

Monday, February 14, 2011

GW NEWS...Dust off your Tomb Kings soon.

Hello and with excitement and much anticipation I present to You....Incoming: Tomb Kings! (Insert Angelic Singing)

Early Feb GW revealed the new Orcs and Goblins range of miniatures and Army Book. They are Due out for release in March. Wow that giant Spidey looks huge and awesome, is my intial impression. After contemplating the impact of a Monster of a monster base size, 100x150, Arnie and I asked ourselves a question. Where are they taking this? You can't tell us the GW has decided to just design a new base size and only use it for one single new monster. Bologna! There is more than meets the eye, there has to. Some new and big is on the Horizon for the Tomb Kings. I can feel it. "But what could it be?", You may ask. Well here is a very, very preliminary educated guess: Tomb Kings Sphinx. Yes Bold and wildly unpredictable but a possibility. Let me explain.

Monday Feb 14: 9:22 AM I recieved an email from GW about the news of Tomb Kings.

9:23 AM Arnie recieved a phone call from me with excitement about the release.

10 AM End of discussion and result was what could they do new for TK. result: new monster.

10:28 AM Arnie proposes the fact that GW wouldn't make a new monster base without utilizing it for other new models.

9PM Pondering and working I decided to delve into the TK army book and search the interwebz for ideas.

9:26PM Found this Sphinx model on GW's Warmaster Undead page. It looks TKish and would fit with the army fluff very easily.

Could this be an idea of what one of the new releases be for TK? Maybe, but we will have to wait for the rumor mill and hopefully some leaked pics to confirm this possibility. Until next time thanks for reading and more updates are on the way. Oh yeah we are both excited for Orcs and Goblins but we are more excited for Tomb Kings.

We have a large Tomb Kings army that has been collecting dust since purchasing them in 2009. Largely unplayable in 8th Edition we hope these great models and army theme will hit the tabletop with at least a playable competitive spirit. Thats nothing against Orcs and Goblins but they had a better chance on the tabletop than the TK who usually got tabled. Thought below, PLEASE, Im desperate for feedback.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

High Elf Retreat

After the last few games we played I am struggling to want to field my high elf army. I have been looking at my Dark Elf and Beastmen armies and debating what to do. I have come to think that the High Elf have the Worst Core in Warhammer(Not Counting Tomb Kings). With High Elves Armies being about Infantry it's hard to get a well rounded army. So I guess for now I will let them rest and bust out the Beastmen.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Last Night we got our game in for the week. Arnie's HE shooty list against my empire list. The empire won but only do to some unfortunate dice rolls of the HE. This was the first game I used a helstorm rocket battery in 8th edition and it outperformed its point cost. It is an adjustment using its own inaccurate rules but utilizing the engineer helped the output of all of the artillery. I even got to use the pigeon bombs 2 times from the engineer. Both times the bird exploded dead on target, what a surprise it was for me. I always expect the worst from charts that can back fire on my own troops. In result of the performance of the new artillery battery(cannon, mortar, helstorm, and engineer) I give it a B. One reason for the B rating; the mortar didnt kill anything.

Onto my try out of Fire magic on a lvl 4 with ruby ring(fireball). After being refreshed that you fail to cast on less than a 3 made Fire pointless. So if I failed to cast a fireball lvl1 with a single dice of 2 or 1 end of casting spells. To avoid this you have to throw 2 dice at 1d6 or the 2d6 S4 hits fireball. My strat was to throw a single dice at the bound item and one at basic fireball spell. then use the rest of the dice on other fire spells. I did roll under average every magic phase except the last but my mage was in combat by then. I walked away decided that it is better to take any other magic lore since most use 2 dice to cast most spells anyhow with greater results.(i.e. wildform, miasma, earthblood) Grade on fire magic: C-. Average in an above average world of magic devastation.

Overall the changes to the empire was good besides the lore. Changing Lores is the easiest thing to change in an army cause it doesnt cost any money. I believe the core build of this army is set now to finish building the models.

Goals for this week in modelling is to assemble the rest of the swordsmen (18) and outriders (5). Plus i want to research on making our own custom movement trays. Any ideas or what you do plus let me know in the comments. thanks for taking the time to read and let us know if there anything we can do to make it more interesting or topics to discuss!