Friday, December 24, 2010


After some deliberating with arnie, We have coordinated an update on the Beastmen Army. Below you will see the updated list. After facing the weaknesses of the Beastmen they faced a more competitive army, the empire. The extra magic support combined with double beast magic proved to be very helpful. The ability to utilize wildform from two casters helps the success of the game changing spell. Splitting up the big unit of minotaurs helped maintain the army composition but changed the role of the minotaurs. Now they are pure wreaking ball units. If they are targeted and destroyed, no biggie. If they smash into a unit, all the better. Flank support and charge deflectors are the new role for the epic fantasy figures. Dropping all of the ungor combat units has taken an adjustment but not have a unit flee do to their crappy ld 6 helped keep the battle line stout. Adding the ungor raiders gives a mage a bunker plus manoverabilty to help out where needed most. A unit of 50 Gors on the table top is impressive and fearful to field on the tabletop. I hope in the near future we will start adding pics and one day bye next years end, video.

2500 Beastmen

Killer Chariot Beastlord Razorgor chariot Brass Clever Slug Skin Charmed Shield Ironcurse Icon

Great Bray Shaman lvl 3 Beast magic xtra wpn

Bray Shaman lvl 2 Beast magic xtra wpn

BSB Wargor HA shield Scaly Skin (total 2+AS, 6+ward hth) Std of Discipline

48 Gors full cmd xtra wpn BSB and lvl 2 bunker

2 tuskigor chariots

10 ungor raiders shorbows

3 Minotaurs xtra wpn

3 Minotaurs xtra wpn

32 (8x4) Bestigors full cmd

Jabberslythe or Ghorgon - the only decision need to be made (ran the Jab with decent success)

Merry Christmas All!

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