Fail. I tried the Beastmen army against arnie's new HE list. Magic Heavy and Shooty Heavy. 60 shots and 2 bolters. Ouch. Then on top of that Curse of Arrow Attraction spell goin off on the minotaurs. Lots of dead minotaurs. Basically I went against the biggest weaknesses to the Beastmen a strong ranged attack. Everything got shot to pieces. Giant, Minotaurs, Bestigors, Tuskigor chariot, Ungors, all took massive casualties or out right wiped out before finding combat.
I did learn some tactics for the Beastmen. Keep the BSB near the main battle line. Do not keep the BSB on the flank and leave other units out of its range in the beginning. I place the unit of 20 ungors on the right flank near Bestigors, Tuskigor chariot, and Minotaurs. After failing a panic test with the ungors, out of range of BSB. The Bestigor unit decided to run from the panic. Epic Fail. Not keeping the BSB close to Bestigor and ungor unit really hurt on turn one. ungors off the table and thanks to a kind friend, the bestigors were barely on the table top. Only 2 minotaurs managed to stagger into combat before getting hacked and speared to death. only 3 Bestigors, a single wound left on tuskigor chariot, and a single wound on the giant managed to get into combat before being finished off by the High Elves.
There was only one "real" close combat engagement. After running my Killer Chariot Beastlord from a Block of 30 Phoenix Guard with BSB, the Beastlord rallied. The Phoenix Guard pursued into my block of Gors with BSB with Beast Banner. Good Fight! Primal Fury really pays off for the Beastmen when they finally make it into combat. After losing combat by 2 and actually passing a leadership test, with a re roll. The Beastlord Chariot smashed into the flank of the Phoenix Guard. I issued a challenge with the Beastlord and the HE BSB excepted. I was burned by awful dice rolling. I did not cause a single wound to the BSB, even though all I needed was one more wound to kill off the BSB. Fail again. After taking over 650 points to break and overrun the Phoenix Guard the game was over at turn 6. Major Victory to the lofty High Elves.
What I learned from the my first game of Beastmen:
Primal Fury Rocks - I guess its the reason to play Beastmen
Minotaurs are only good in small units of 3 or otherwise they become HIGH value targets
Beastlord Charoit is great for taking on a single infantry unit
Beast Magic for Wildform is great
Flock of Doom is fun to say when you say "who gives a flock of doom"
Running a lvl 3 and lvl 2 is almost a must two chances at Wildform
Giants are only good if you have two otherwise go with a Ghorgon
Ungors suck T3 and no armor take chariots instead and more gors
Here is some of the things I want to try with the Beastmen. The magic item to make -1 to hit and 4+ for artillery for one shooting phase. Maybe try the bound item for Beastial Surge spell to get into combat quicker. Horde of Bestigors and drop to two unit of Minotaurs or one unit of 4 with shields. Back to the drawing board.